7DAYS, a popular newspaper in the UAE, it just published this news on the first page...
As Ramadan, the holiest month of the Islamic year, enters its second week, disquiet is being expressed by Muslim and non-Muslim alike about the way it is being treated by some people. 7DAYS readers of all ethnic and religious backgrounds have bombarded the newspaper with complaints, largely about the way many people dress in unsuitable clothing in public places like shopping malls. The images on this page were taken yesterday at major malls in Dubai...more
El articulo dice como durante el mes santo de Ramadan, muchos musulmanes y no musulmanes se han quejado de como mucha gente usa ropa que no es apropiada en sitios publicos como centros comerciales. La foto de arriba es una foto tomada en uno de ellos. La gente se queja de que se revela mucha piel. Entrevistan tambien a un jefe de la policia que dice que ya no se penaliza el usar ropa que revela mucha piel como se hacia muchos anos atras. Hay penalidades para gente que bebe o come en publico durante Ramadan pero el dice que no recuerda ningun caso en que alguien haya sido penalizado por hacerlo.
Esto me hace pensar de que a pesar de que es un pais moderno, hay todavia mucha gente tradicionalista. No creo que las mujeres en esas fotos muestran mucha piel. Si ese es el caso, entonces no me he estado vistiendo apropiadamente. De todos modos, no hay ley que lo prohiba, y los que se quejan tendran que acostumbrarse ya que cada dia hay mas y mas gente de paises occidentales viviendo aca.
It just makes me think that although it is a modern country, there are still lots of people that are very traditionalist. I don’t even think many of these ladies on the picture are dressing too revealing. If that it is the case, then I have been dressing inappropriately. Anyways, there is not law against it, so the ones that complain will have to just get used to as more and more westerners are moving here.
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