Saturday, October 28, 2006
Ramadan came to an end, and it is celebrated with the Eid festival. It is something like Christmas for us. People buy and wear new clothes, give presents and money to kids, give sweets to their friends and neighbors and have special dinners. People get between 2-3 days off, but government employees get the whole week (that’s why I still have no phone or internet connection).
Nuestro amigo de India que estudio en Canada con nosotros y que es Musulman nos invito a un almuerzo de Eid en su casa. El dia anterior el se fue a dormir a las 4 de la mañana ayudando a preparar el almuerzo junto con su familia. Mi esposo me dijo que mas musulmanes venian asi que tenia que vestirme mas cubierta. Me puse unos jeans y una blusa con manga larga, solo que cuando llegue a su casa me di cuenta que las mujeres tenian bonitos y nuevos vestidos de India y que deberia haber usado uno de los mios, tambien los hombres tenian vestidos de India o ropa occidental nueva, pero mi esposo estaba en pantalones cortos… ( la verdad no se en que estabamos pensando). Tambien como es usual yo era la unica no hablante de Hindi o Malayalam.
La comida fue buena, ellos fueron bien amables de no prepararla con tantos condimentos y tan picante como generlamente lo hacen, sabiendo que para mi es dificil comer ese tipo de comida, comimos en el piso asi como lo hacen en las mezquitas. Tambien comi los pastelillos arabes que la gente usualmente regala durante Eid. Los habia visto antes en Carrefour pero no me habia atrevido a probarlos. Son bien deliciosos.
Our East Indian friend that we met in Canada and which is Muslim invited us for Eid lunch at his house. He actually went to sleep the day before at 4 am cooking food with his family for this lunch. The first thing I asked my husband was if more Muslims were coming so I had to dress covered, and he told me that I should not go so uncovered. I arrived there in jeans and a top with long sleeve, to realize that all the ladies were wearing new Indian dresses and thinking I should have worn mine, also the guys were wearing their new Indians dresses and my husband was in shorts…( I don’t know what we were thinking) , also as usual I was the only non-Hindi, non-Malayalam speaker so I lost part of the conversation.
The food was actually good, they were very kind not to make as spicy and hot as usual knowing we Colombians eat as plain as possible…we eat on the floor as they do at the mosque. I also got to try some of the Arabic sweets people usually give for Eid. I had actually seen many of these sweets at Carrefour, but never dare to try them. They are actually very tasty.
No tome fotos durante el almuerzo ya que no queria aparecer de inoportuna. Creo que las mujeres musulmanes nos le gusta que les tomen fotos.
I didn’t take any pictures since I did not want to sound inappropriate…I believe Muslim woman do not like to be photographed.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Moneda (Currency)
El "Dirham" es la moneda de los Emiratos Arabes. Un dirham equivale a 3.6 dolares americanos. Los billetes vienen en denominaciones de of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 dirhams. El frente es escrito en Arabe y el reverso en Ingles. Entre mas grande la denominacion del billete, mas grande es el billete en terminos de tamaño.
Las monedas son diferentes, no tienen el numero en ingles, pero es "facil" de identificar ya que como los billetes entre mas grande la denominacion, mas grande es la moneda. Ademas, solo hay 3 tipos de monedas: 25 y 50 fils, y 1 dirham. Un dirham son 100 fils.
Con tantas denominaciones de billetes ha sido un poco lento el proceso de reconocer cada billete rapidamente cuando me dan vueltas o tengo que pagar. Especialmente porque me dicen las cantidades en arabe, y me entregan los billetes del lado arabe, asi que me toca voltearlos, mirar el numero y contar.
The "Dirham" is the currency of the UAE. One dirham is equivalent to 3.6 US dollars. The bills come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 dirhams. The obverse is written in Arabic; and the reverse is in English. The larger the denomination, the larger the size of the bill.
The coins are a little bit different. They do not have the number in English. However, it is "easy" to identify the coin since the larger the denomination, the larger the coin, and there are only three types: 25 and 50 fils and 1 dirham. One dirham is 100 fils.
With so many bill denominations, the process of recognizing bills quickly at the moment of paying or getting change has been a little bit slow. Especially because they say the amount in Arabic and give the bills showing the Arabic side, so I have to flip them, look at the number and count.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Hoy es Domingo?, no es Lunes! (Is it Sunday?, no its Monday!)
En Emiratos es diferente ya que es un pais Musulman. El dia santo para ellos es el Viernes. Hasta el pasado Septiembre, el fin de semana era el Jueves y Viernes, pero lo cambiaron para no perder tantos dias de desconexion con el mundo. Ahora es Viernes y Sabado. El problema es que es solo obligatorio para empresas estatales y colegios. Algunas empresas privadas lo cambiaron, otras no. Asi que el primer dia de la semana (o el Lunes para nosotros) para algunos es el Sabado, para otros el Domingo.
Ya que el Domingo es dia laboral, la iglesia ofrece servicios de misas Viernes y Domingo. Desafortundamente hay una sola iglesia Catolica en la ciudad y se esta quedando pequeña, no hay espacio para tanta gente, ni parqueadero. Somos alrededor de 100,000 catolicos en el pais. La mayoria de los feligreses son de Filipinas y de India.
One of the things I am getting or will have to get used to it is the weekend. In western countries, it is Saturday and Sunday. Being Sunday the Lord's Day or the day people go to church.
In UAE is different since it is an Islamic country. Their holy day is Friday. Until last September, the weekend was Thursday and Friday. However, they changed it so they would not lose so many business days with the rest of the world. Now, the weekend is Friday and Saturday. The problem is that it is only mandatory for government institutions and schools. Some of the private companies changed the weekend, some did not. Therefore, the first day of the week (or Monday for us) it is Saturday or Sunday depending on the work place.
Since Sunday is a work day, the church offers services of mass Fridays and Sundays. Unfortunately, there is only one Catholic Church in the whole city, and it is getting small, there is not enough space inside or parking. There are around 100000 Catholics in the whole country. Most of the parishioners are from the Philippines and India.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Emirates Palace
La primera vez que vi Emirates Palace (Palacio Emirates) pense era el palacio del gobernador de Abu Dhabi o de un principe. Pero estaba equivocada, es un Hotel. Un hotel de 5 estrellas. El hotel costo 3 billones de dolares, es el hotel mas caro que se haya construido. Dicen los expertos que el dinero invertido en el hotel nunca sera recuperado, ni le dara ganancias, pero al gobierno de Abu Dhabi eso no le importa; ellos querian impresionar al mundo. A pesar de que no he conocido en persona el Burj Al Arab que es el unico hotel 7 estrellas en el mundo. Yo creo Emirates Palace es mucho mas lujoso, hermoso y grande. Es inmenso e impresionante. Las fotos de abajo fueron tomadas por nosotros.
The first time I saw the Emirates Palace, I thought it was the governor's palace, or some prince’s palace. However, I was wrong; it is a hotel, a five star hotel. The hotel cost 3 billion dollars, it is the most expensive hotel ever built. They say the invested money will never be recovered, it does not even give any profits, but this does not matter to the government of Abu Dhabi, they just wanted to impress the world. Although I have not seen the Burj Al Arab in person, which is the only seven star hotel in the world. I believe the Emirates Palace is much more luxurious, beautiful and larger. It is huge and outstanding. The below pictures were taken by us.
Esta es una foto del palacio desde la playa. Todo lo que se ve es el hotel, es inmenso.
This a picture of the palace from the beach. Everything on the picture is the hotel, it is huge.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Show some respect (muestren algo de respeto)
7DAYS, a popular newspaper in the UAE, it just published this news on the first page...
As Ramadan, the holiest month of the Islamic year, enters its second week, disquiet is being expressed by Muslim and non-Muslim alike about the way it is being treated by some people. 7DAYS readers of all ethnic and religious backgrounds have bombarded the newspaper with complaints, largely about the way many people dress in unsuitable clothing in public places like shopping malls. The images on this page were taken yesterday at major malls in Dubai...more
El articulo dice como durante el mes santo de Ramadan, muchos musulmanes y no musulmanes se han quejado de como mucha gente usa ropa que no es apropiada en sitios publicos como centros comerciales. La foto de arriba es una foto tomada en uno de ellos. La gente se queja de que se revela mucha piel. Entrevistan tambien a un jefe de la policia que dice que ya no se penaliza el usar ropa que revela mucha piel como se hacia muchos anos atras. Hay penalidades para gente que bebe o come en publico durante Ramadan pero el dice que no recuerda ningun caso en que alguien haya sido penalizado por hacerlo.
Esto me hace pensar de que a pesar de que es un pais moderno, hay todavia mucha gente tradicionalista. No creo que las mujeres en esas fotos muestran mucha piel. Si ese es el caso, entonces no me he estado vistiendo apropiadamente. De todos modos, no hay ley que lo prohiba, y los que se quejan tendran que acostumbrarse ya que cada dia hay mas y mas gente de paises occidentales viviendo aca.
It just makes me think that although it is a modern country, there are still lots of people that are very traditionalist. I don’t even think many of these ladies on the picture are dressing too revealing. If that it is the case, then I have been dressing inappropriately. Anyways, there is not law against it, so the ones that complain will have to just get used to as more and more westerners are moving here.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Marina Mall (Centro Comercial Marina)
Marina Mall is one of the shopping malls in Abu Dhabi. It is very beautiful and it's located right by the sea. It is very luxurious with marble floors and coloured fountains. There are high end stores such as Chanel, Hugo Boss, Louis Vuitton as well as Carrefour, Ikea y La Senza (from Canada). They are also building inside the mall a snow city similar to the Ski Dubai but smaller.
Ahi me ven en la foto en la playa con el centro comercial al fondo ( esta es la prueba para los que no me creian de que puedo usar la ropa que quiero sin tener que cubrirme)
Here I am on this picture on the beach with the mall on the background ( this is also the proof for those that did not believe it before that I can wear any clothes I want here)
En frente del centro comercial.
This is in front of the mall.
Mi esposo en el interior del centro comercial
This is my husband inside the shopping mall
Mas fotos del interior del centro comercial. Estaba vacio ya que casi todas las tiendas estaban cerradas por lo de Ramadan
More pictures of the interior of the mall. It was empty because almost all the stores were closed due to Ramadan.L