Ramadan came to an end, and it is celebrated with the Eid festival. It is something like Christmas for us. People buy and wear new clothes, give presents and money to kids, give sweets to their friends and neighbors and have special dinners. People get between 2-3 days off, but government employees get the whole week (that’s why I still have no phone or internet connection).

Nuestro amigo de India que estudio en Canada con nosotros y que es Musulman nos invito a un almuerzo de Eid en su casa. El dia anterior el se fue a dormir a las 4 de la mañana ayudando a preparar el almuerzo junto con su familia. Mi esposo me dijo que mas musulmanes venian asi que tenia que vestirme mas cubierta. Me puse unos jeans y una blusa con manga larga, solo que cuando llegue a su casa me di cuenta que las mujeres tenian bonitos y nuevos vestidos de India y que deberia haber usado uno de los mios, tambien los hombres tenian vestidos de India o ropa occidental nueva, pero mi esposo estaba en pantalones cortos… ( la verdad no se en que estabamos pensando). Tambien como es usual yo era la unica no hablante de Hindi o Malayalam.
La comida fue buena, ellos fueron bien amables de no prepararla con tantos condimentos y tan picante como generlamente lo hacen, sabiendo que para mi es dificil comer ese tipo de comida, comimos en el piso asi como lo hacen en las mezquitas. Tambien comi los pastelillos arabes que la gente usualmente regala durante Eid. Los habia visto antes en Carrefour pero no me habia atrevido a probarlos. Son bien deliciosos.
Our East Indian friend that we met in Canada and which is Muslim invited us for Eid lunch at his house. He actually went to sleep the day before at 4 am cooking food with his family for this lunch. The first thing I asked my husband was if more Muslims were coming so I had to dress covered, and he told me that I should not go so uncovered. I arrived there in jeans and a top with long sleeve, to realize that all the ladies were wearing new Indian dresses and thinking I should have worn mine, also the guys were wearing their new Indians dresses and my husband was in shorts…( I don’t know what we were thinking) , also as usual I was the only non-Hindi, non-Malayalam speaker so I lost part of the conversation.
The food was actually good, they were very kind not to make as spicy and hot as usual knowing we Colombians eat as plain as possible…we eat on the floor as they do at the mosque. I also got to try some of the Arabic sweets people usually give for Eid. I had actually seen many of these sweets at Carrefour, but never dare to try them. They are actually very tasty.

No tome fotos durante el almuerzo ya que no queria aparecer de inoportuna. Creo que las mujeres musulmanes nos le gusta que les tomen fotos.
I didn’t take any pictures since I did not want to sound inappropriate…I believe Muslim woman do not like to be photographed.