They have very good and interesting traffic signals (at least for someone that does not read arabic)

Las autopistas y calles son muy modernas y en excelentes condiciones. Mucho mejor que las autopistas y calles en USA y Canada. No he visto el primer hueco o imperfeccion en las calles. Esto hace que la gente le guste ir mucho mas rapido que el limite de velocidad (o esa es la excusa). La gente no maneja muy bien en comparacion con paises industrializados, pero mucho mejor que en paises subdesarrollados.
Freeways, highways and roads are very modern and in excellent condition. I would say they are much better than the ones in the US or Canada. I haven't seen any pot hole or imperfection on the roads. However, this makes people exceed the speed limit (or at least that is the excuse) . Driving standards are worse than in any industrialized country, but they are much better than in third world countries.
Adquirir y mantener un carro es relativamente barato, sobretodo por que no hay impuestos y la gasolina por supuesto es barata. Se ven muchos carro lujosos. Los carros mas comunes son Toyotas, Mercedes y BMW's. Tiene uno de los mas altos niveles de propiedad de carros en el mundo per capita.
Buying and maintaining a car is relatively cheap, especially since there are not taxes, and of course gas is very cheap. There are many luxury cars . The most popular cars are Toyotas, Mercedes and BMW's. It has one of the highest per capita levels of car ownership in the world.
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